Monday, December 20, 2010

How Could You?

Posted by MKatBautista at 10:34 PM
For all the guys who cheated.

How could you?
Is all i can say for now
since you left me without giving a bow
but how can i forget what we once had
not knowing how it was all that bad
Now you’re with her
i know i’m bitter
it’s just how you made me
maybe later on I’ll be better
i guess i have to thank you for all those lies
felt like the hurt when someone dies
but it did make me stronger than i was before
brave enough to drag you outside the door
i do hope you’re happy
this is just how i am, a little snappy
that’s why from now on i’ll make sure your life will be crappy

-----> copied and pasted from my Triond post last Nov.12, 2008. i kind of forced it to rhyme. hahaha!


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